Your Role

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Your role in the collaborative process is to help create solutions that work best for you and your family.

You have an active part in the collaborative process. When you work with us at Collaborative Divorce Waterloo Region, you will help create options and the ultimate solutions that are best suited for your family. We will assist you in being as prepared as possible by having all your documents together. We also encourage you to be as informed as much as you can be on the mediation process and to work as a team with your partner and our collaborative professionals to reach a solution that works best for all parties. At Collaborative Divorce Waterloo Region, we will keep your family’s best interests in mind, and recognize that you are a part of the process and the outcome. For more information, see News/Resources.

Your Role

How Will Your Children Remember Your Divorce?

Children see everything. They pick up on your energy, your tone, and how you treat each other. As their parent, it is your job to make sure your children are impacted by this process as little as possible. Our trained professionals are here to help you with exactly how to achieve that and keep your children safe from harmful and unneeded conflict and trauma.

A collaborative approach involving social workers and therapists to help in divorce proceedings


You have an active part in the collaborative process. You will help create options and the ultimate solutions that are best suited for your family.

• Commit to the process • Adhere to the principles of the collaborative approach • Respect the process needs of the other • Honour the agreed upon process rules • Help develop information and provide disclosure of all important information • Undertake tasks to keep costs down • Express needs clearly without blaming or judging • Respect the perspectives, interests and values of the other party • Explore differences in perspectives, interests and desired outcomes rather than react to them • Let go of positions and focus on interests • Generate as many options for settlement as possible • Look for solutions that meet the interest of both parties • Let go of past frustrations and focus on the future • Take responsibility for the outcome •

You have an active part in the collaborative process.  You will help create options and the ultimate solutions that are best suited for your family.  For more information, see News/Resources.