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Collaborative Family Law Blog
Divorce as a Catalyst for Self-Acceptance and Growth: A Divorce Coach’s Perspective
Divorce is often seen as an ending, a painful rupture of the life we once knew. But what if it could also be a beginning? As a divorce coach, I've seen firsthand how the process of separation, while undeniably challenging, can also be a powerful catalyst for...
What is Collaborative Family Law?
Changes to the Divorce Act came into effect in March 2021 that will affect the way lawyers talk to our clients about divorce. There is now a clearly stated obligation for family lawyers to specifically discuss consensual dispute resolution options, including...
Please, Please, Keep Your Financial Disclosure for Child Support Up To Date!
If you pay child support, the onus is on you to prove changes in your income UP or DOWN. On June 4, 2021, the Supreme Court of Canada rendered the decision Colucci and Colucci (2021 SCC 24 (CanLII)), reminding child support payors that the onus is on them to provide...
Divorce and Finances: How Can Collaborative Financial Professionals Help?
One of the first concerns that people have when they think about/decide to separate is how to afford to live. How am I going to pay for everything that I need? Everything that our kids need? Meet the obligations that I have and do things that I want to do? Often,...
What is a “Child-Centred” Divorce?
You may have heard the terms “child-focused” or “child-centred” used in connection with separation and divorce. What do those words mean? Being child-focused means seeing the separation and the new family structure from your child’s perspective. Before separation,...
Is January really divorce month?
Anecdotally, lawyers perceive January as being a very busy month for people seeking a divorce. It has been historically known as “Divorce Month.” I’m not aware of actual statistics that bear this out, but it does appear that many families try to keep it...
Essential Elements of Any Separation Agreement
Before beginning to think about a separation agreement, it is important to know all about the essential elements that are required by law. The basics elements that must be included are property (the ownership and divisions of property) and support obligations. If you...
Make Sure You are Mentally and Emotionally Prepared for Divorce Mediation
The more prepared you are for your upcoming divorce mediation, the more likely it is to be a success. This includes gathering important, relevant documentation, like financial records, marriage certificates, any relevant court filings, etc. It also...
Interviewing Rollie Thompson: What is Spousal Support?
At Collaborative Divorce Waterloo Region, we want to ensure you are provided with legal advice related to divorce law as it pertains to your specific circumstances. Watch this video as Rollie Thompson discusses spousal report and when it is or isn't issued.
Options to Consider for Your Decision-Making Responsibility Agreement
Before you begin to draft your child custody agreement, you need to understand the difference between two terms: custody and access. Custody refers to the right to make important decisions about your child’s health and wellbeing, religious practices and...
We are a Proud Member of the Ontario Association of Collaborative Professionals

Collaborative Divorce Waterloo Region is a proud member of the Ontario Association of Collaborative Professionals, which acts as a central resource for 18 different collaborative practice groups in Ontario. Visit their website for plenty of useful information on collaborative law, including access to a short video about the support offered to you through a collaborative approach.
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Ultimately, our goal at Collaborative Divorce Waterloo Region is to protect the dignity and long-term interests of all family members and help you move forward with your life after separation. Contact any of our members to learn more about our services and how we can assist you using collaborative family practice.