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Collaborative Family Law Blog

What is Collaborative Family Law?

Changes to the Divorce Act came into effect in March 2021 that will affect the way lawyers talk to our clients about divorce.  There is now a clearly stated obligation for family lawyers to specifically discuss consensual dispute resolution options, including...

Is January really divorce month?

Anecdotally, lawyers perceive January as being a very busy month for people seeking a divorce.  It has been historically known as “Divorce Month.”  I’m not aware of actual statistics that bear this out, but it does appear that many families try to keep it...

We are a Proud Member of the Ontario Association of Collaborative Professionals


Collaborative Divorce Waterloo Region is a proud member of the Ontario Association of Collaborative Professionals, which acts as a central resource for 18 different collaborative practice groups in Ontario. Visit their website for plenty of useful information on collaborative law, including access to a short video about the support offered to you through a collaborative approach.